
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

We lack stimulation

No, I’m not talking about sex, get that out of your head.

I was just out getting some groceries, and on my drive back home, I was thinking about...what sparked my ideas and my thought process about what caused me to act on Saturday, and what made me write 'Be Yourself', my previous post and then it hit me; unaccounted variables. I had a really, really good talk with my long time best friend the other day telling her the only times when I felt 'alive' at all is when I'm out driving on the road and/or driving on cruises with my friends. Why? This dullness is a result of some aspects of my personal life which I'm not willing to get into but I had to figure out why I was feeling this way. I feel alive driving on the road because there are a lot of unaccounted variables that can happen and not only gives me an adrenaline rush, but also gives me something to look forward to.

Why is society so dull nowadays? Society pretty much became dull and on autopilot when the first iPhone came out. Can we blame technology though? Truthfully, we can and cannot. The iPhone was the first breakthrough in technology and cellphones. Humans are attracted to new things and are especially attracted to new things that make how we live more convenient and at ease. However, no one was ready for the biggest drawback of the phone; a constant need to check on what everybody else was doing, and not themselves. But this is where self control and responsibility comes in. The only exception, is when your job requires you to be on your phone. Other than that, our lives have been taken captive by our phones. Literally. Sure, it is a lot complicated now since a lot of money can be made through an iPhone, but we still have and need the basic instincts, right?

So, having had this conversation with my friend, this very reason is why I said ok fuck it, if I miss any photos because I'm having a fun time with my friend at this car event, I am completely fine with that. It's the possibility of constant stimulation and unaccounted variables I was looking forward to, in conjunction with my passion for cars? That's the best combination. I went, on Saturday, with literally no expectations other than seeing cool cars. Whatever happened after that first click of the shutter, is just going with the flow.

Why do people who have 9-5 jobs and/or are full time students look like zombies? Because school and work is the only thing they know. Think about how much time you spend on elementary and middle school. Then continuing onto high school. Then applying and getting hired for a 9-5 then having that substitute for your time in school. Not only that, you have your parents pressuring you to do well in school but of course, most parents do not know how to correctly and effectively communicate with their children that reality is, they just want you to be secured for life. Doesn’t matter what you do. If you’re not a doctor or a lawyer? That is ok. At least that's what I later on got from my parents. They really just want me to live a good life and be secured. Especially with how the world works now, you can literally be successful in anything as long as you are passionate about it and put your mind to it. Brain stimulation is what we, as humans, need in order to be creative and imaginative. This can be anything from going to concerts with friends, to [if you’re 18 and older] going to a bar with friends, to going out with family for the weekend. Hell, even when you’re with friends and you make fun of yourself for the hell of it and make your friends crack up. All of these are just a few examples that can keep your brain fresh and running, and will allow you to enjoy life. Start off with your hobbies first if you're an introvert. I started mine with photography and a car event.

I look forward to stimulation and unaccounted variables daily now because I crave it and because I know our brain needs stimulation, whether good or bad. Now my question for you is, are you active, or are you dull and dry? Do you feel fulfilled or do you feel like you’re missing something? If no, what can you improve on? If yes, what are you doing yourself that you’re not seeing others doing? Shoot me an email and let me know. Let’s have fun with this.

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